Main Office - 610-587-2705 (Reading, PA)
Email: sggtraining@gmail.com
Savings Lives through Training & Technology

Can't find a class that meets your schedule? Call 610-587-2705 or email sggtraining@gmail.com to discuss scheduling a one on one session. One on one sessions are available upon request, daily.
Emergency Medical Training is a non-profit organization, serving Pennsylvania and New Jersey for over 8 years. During that time, we have trained and built relationships with over 15,000 professionals and citizens. Currently, we have over 250 certified, quality trainers, many who have retained their relationship year after year with us. We continue to grow as we are now licenses in other states and townships. Our relationship with the American Heart Association is strong and we are proud to be an active participant in their teaching and philosophies.
We provide training classes for the public at the Spine & Wellness Center located at 3933 Perkiomen Ave Reading, PA 19606. We also offer off-site private classes for families, companies and organizations at no extra charge. We bring a passion and a strong belief that the training we are providing goes far beyond just teaching a class. Each person we train with our information is not only a satisfied customer, but another person who we are proud to say can save a life largely due to our commitment to training and technology.
Interested in Making a Donation?
Emergency Medical Training is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is in need of donations to provide more community CPR awareness classes, upgrade equipment and cover the expenses of running a Training Center. Any individual or company that makes a donation will receive a receipt for their donation as well as have the option to be listed on our "Contributors" page. We thank you for your support and dedication towards making a difference in our community.
"In one year along, 475,000 Americans die from a cardiac arrest."
"Approximately, 350,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of the hospital each year - and about 7 in 10 of those happen at home."
"Globally, cardiac arrest claims more lives than colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, influenza, pneumonia, auto accidents, HIV, firearms and house fires combined."
"In 2015, any-mention sudden cardiac arrest mortality in the US was 366,807. CPR, especially if administered immediately after cardiac arrest, can double or even triple a person's chance of survival. About 90 percent of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest die."
"Unfortunately, only about 46% of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest get the immediate help they need before professional help arrives. The 2017 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics state that among the 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occurred, 46% received bystander CPR."
Statistics listed above are actual statements and accurate percentages
according to the American Heart Association.
Have a question? Not sure which course to choose. Fill out our contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-5pm
Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: available upon request
Sunday: available upon request
Skills Sessions Availability Daily